Debt collection for companies

You can count on our business debt collection, when your customer does not pay!


Get your money


Calculable, capped costs

Unlimited processing without additional costs until we achieve a result!


Claim amounts:
Germany, Austria, Switzerland from EUR / CHF 50’000.–
Europewide from EUR 100’000.–
Worldwide from USD 300’000.–


Success rate 23 *
77.8 %


Reduce outstanding debts & secure liquidity

B2B debt collection for companies


Outstanding receivables, large outstanding amounts and value adjustments for defaults pose a real threat to your company‘s liquidity, profitability and therefore its existence. You know the situation: despite several reminders, your customer still does not pay. Sending payment reminders and even taking legal action costs you money, time, and nerves. And debt collection often only begins once you have a judgment.

With our direct debt collection service, we offer you an alternative. Our team also guarantees you professionalism and persistence in the event of other monetary losses such as theft, fraud, or claims for damages.

Get your money back!

Have your claim evaluated without obligation.


Contact us

No conventional debt collection agency, no “paper collection”

Our team, on site with the debtor for you

Our business debt collection differs from conventional debt collection agencies or lawyers who concentrate on letter collection (in bulk business) or purely legal debt collection. We know what impact outstanding receivables and customers who are unwilling to pay have on a company. We deal intensively with the specific challenges of your company and offer a direct and personal approach that goes far beyond the usual writing of reminders.

That’s because we enforce claims on the spot — a measure your debtors can’t afford to ignore. Read below to find out what our business debt collection means.

More and more companies of all sizes — from small to large corporations — are relying on our services. If reminders come to nothing or going to court seems too costly and risky, our direct debt collection offers you an attractive alternative.

Business debt collection at the debtor’s premises

Your advantages 

  • Cost savings: due to elimination of legal costs (lawyer’s fees, court fees, etc.). Depending on the case, these can be significantly higher than the direct collection costs.
  • Out-of-court/pre-court approach: Investigative direct debt collection with high-pressure negotiations and corresponding pressure scenarios
  • Mandates with no time limit: If the debt collection takes longer, we bear the risk and continue to work at our own expense.

Our business debt collection strategy

What do we do, if your customer doesn’t pay?

If your customers do not pay invoices and your efforts to send reminders have no effect, our direct debt collection is the most effective solution. These are often professional or even criminal debtors who are damaging your company. Letters do not impress them, and they use legal loopholes. The right measures are required to ensure that you still get your money.

We develop a case-specific debt collection strategy that manoeuvres the debtor into a situation where they have to pay! The process begins with a careful analysis of the initial situation and comprehensive research into the case. We are also active on site and get an idea of the debtor’s situation and his company. Based on this information, we develop pressure scenarios that build on the debtor’s weak points. Our approach:

  • Search for absconded debtors / responsible parties
  • Search for property / assets
  • Observation & undercover investigations
  • Infiltration of the debtor organization using fake identities
  • On-site presence
  • Individual pressure measures
  • Online publications / cooperation with the press etc.

With the knowledge we have gathered and our strategy, we seek to talk to the debtor and show him clearly through our appearance and our arguments that we are not to be trifled with as a debt collection team.

We therefore initially negotiate with the debtor in a friendly and constructive manner. However, if we encounter resistance and negotiations fail or do not materialize at all, we activate the prepared pressure scenarios at lightning speed. These are so tailor-made that they hardly leave any debtor untouched. With this background, negotiations are often successful because the debtor recognizes exactly what the alternative would be (which we incorporate into the communication).

We also make use of civil and criminal law remedies where appropriate or necessary to substantiate disputed claims. Where we are not authorized to do so ourselves, we work together with lawyers who are familiar with our working methods.

Strategy meets competence

B2B debt collection at its finest

Icon Schachfigur

Strategicaly and effective

Icon weltweit

Internationaly connected

Icon Konditionen

Fair coditions for your company

Success rate over 70%

We definitely let your customer pay the bill

Our success rate is impressive. Thanks to a determined but fair approach, we have already successfully recovered outstanding payments for many companies. However, we do not shy away from creative and massive interventions (within the legal framework).

With our team at your side, you avoid financial losses and have a partner who is also available to provide you with uncomplicated advice and prevention in debt collection matters.

Read more about our conditions.

The crafts sector

Debt collection for craftsmen

As a tradesman, you know how annoying it is when customers simply don’t pay or question the service provided.

The invoice, including your reminders, is often ignored. When you call, the “responsible person” is not available. On the construction site, the customer, or the site manager, claims to have known nothing about it. Outstanding payments for work done is a recurring problem in the trades, which typically leaves conventional debt collection agencies and lawyers bogged down in bureaucracy without success.

They don’t have the time or the nerves to deal with these unpleasant customers. With our business debt collection service, we take care of this so that you can concentrate on your day-to-day business and customers.

Our expertise in debt collection secures your liquidity, saves you nerves, and is the better choice for large sums in particular. Contact us today, your money should be worth it.

A non-binding inquiry — our on companies specialized debt collection!

Let us get your money back together!


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